the company
Gesturbansur is a newly created company made up of qualified professionals, with more than 10 years’ experience in the property sector and community administration. Thanks to this we have managed to significantly reduce community expenses and to improve owner satisfaction.

With us, being the president of a community is easy and safe. In addition, if you contract our services, we take on responsibility for managing the change of administrator quickly and simply.

In short, we are professional community administrators, completely orientated to client satisfaction:
  • We reduce your monthly quote through efficient expense management, exhaustive control of budgets and suppliers, works control and the search for subsidies and sources of financing.
  • We continuously improve the quality of the services which your community receives, checking on the work of suppliers, ensuring completion within stipulated periods and within budget, and evaluating the level of owner satisfaction.
  • We make available to you clear, simple and up-to-date information on the community finances and how services are running. On top of that, our owners can look up information on their community online via our office website.
We administer communities of owners in any municipality in Almería province.

In this way we offer a complete property consultancy and intermediary service for your rentals, purchases and sales. Our commitment to client satisfaction and our concern to make you a participant in the best facilities for carrying out any procedure has been the main reason for making this new website available to you.